Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Renewed Motivation

I find it's a good idea to take a break from creativity after a major tournament. Go out, hang out with friends and make up for that time I lost because I spent so much time painting in the past month. Hell I might even risk getting some colour on my pasty white geek flesh, that is if it would stop raining. Still I couldn't help but put in a couple hours on the army in the past week. It's a strange feeling, I've been concentrating on my army so much lately that I've kinda forgotten what else I used to do with my free time.

I've taken all the figs that I finished for the tournament last week and put them back on my painting desk. Now that I've got a chance to look at them all with fresh eyes I realize how many spots I missed, minor details that didn't get painted and various mistakes I made. *sigh* It hurts being a perfectionist. My tankbustas in particular were fairly rushed so I new I would have to put them back on the desk for a while. (Which is annoying because I really don't like painting boyz with rokkits, its really hard to get at all the details)

I also took the advice of the tournament organizer and did some touch ups on my warboss. The putty work on his neck wasn't done to my liking so I touched it up. I added a number of highlights to his clothes. I also wasn't overly happy with the flat blue I used for blotchy paint on his metalwork so I've been busy adding rust and chipping effects. All this on top for fixing some slips of my brush. Another couple of hours (if I'm lucky) and I can call him done.

I've been slowly working on my Trukks as well, I haven't had the flashes of insight I need to figure out how to finish them, but it will come in time.

I'm planning on going down to the GW store on Saturday for a painting session, see what I can get done. I'm not setting any goals for myself this time, I want to bring the 'fun' back. At least until the next tournament ;)

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