Well I've officially been working on this new Ork army for over a year!
I have exactly 428 / 1500 completely done and painted...
As sad as that may sound for a years worth of work it's all the conversion work and scratch building that eats my time. As a result I have almost 1000 points of stuff 60-85% ready for paint. My goal over the next month or so is to finish up projects that I have on the go and start power painting. It's actually a fairly reasonable goal for me to paint 500 points worth of figs in a months time, I really do have that many projects edging on being completed. I just won't stop getting distracted by new and crazy ideas!
I made myself a late Christmas present today.
This afternoon I just got sick and tired of cutting plasticard with a dull X-acto and using straight edges that haven't been straight for months due to excessive wear and tear. Let alone the fact that my measuring tools are so old and warped that they aren't acurate anymore...
I didn't think one could wear out drafters tools. I was wrong.
I bought a new set of measuring guides, angle finders, a steel ruler long enough to cut a full sheet of plasticard (bought dang time!) and a new set of blades. That and a $3 cutting board that, heaven forbid, actually lies flat on my table. I should be good for a while now.
As always during the Christmas holidays I promise myself that I'll finish up a bunch of projects I have on the go and instead find myself working on some newfangled idea that springs into my head at the last minute...
Last year it was a heavy gun trukk that eventually became my Huey. This year its this:
I gave into peer pressure this week and decided to add Grotz to my KoS list. Of course they needed the most ramshackle (read as AWESOME!) helicopter transport imaginable. So I build this junker out of spare parts and plastic tubing, loosely based on a Bell-47.
For those of you who get the reference "Suicide is Painless" at least that's what they tell the Grotz...
Here's a shot of the tail boom, a few more structural bitz and it will be all done.
I put together the structure for the rotors today, now I'm just waiting for sculpting putty to dry and I can add the final details.
As you can tell my Grotz are just thrilled.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
The infamous cattleskull
Well it took almost a year of ebay scrounging but I finally found this cattle skull bit!
I was so frustrated trying to find one that I was half tempted to just buy the bloody Fantasy Orks boxed set just to get the one bit.
This bit means alot to me, it was the last bit I added to my first Ork blimp trukk and I really badly wanted it on my first of the new generation of blimp trukks.
Well now that its done... Back to converting!
I was so frustrated trying to find one that I was half tempted to just buy the bloody Fantasy Orks boxed set just to get the one bit.
This bit means alot to me, it was the last bit I added to my first Ork blimp trukk and I really badly wanted it on my first of the new generation of blimp trukks.
Well now that its done... Back to converting!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
It feels like Christmas
It feels like Christmas every time I come home and there's another package full of bitz in my mail slot that I don't have to pay for. That is how it works right? ... no? damn!
What maniacal contraptions is he thinking up this week!?
Stay tuned!
What maniacal contraptions is he thinking up this week!?
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Progress Report #10 Choppas... The Arnie kind
I've been able to put in a good couple hours of work a night for the past couple of weeks. Not alot of projects on the go, but alot of progress is being made!
Also of note I helped start up a local gaming group. A couple of old friends got dragged back into the hobby willingly. (I would have also accepted kicking and screaming) and are putting together new armies as well as dusting ancient ones off. :D
We have only a few simple rules. We play once a month which is more than reasonable even for guys like us with lives and jobs. We have to try to get at least 1 new unit done and painted per session. Proxies are cool since we are there to play test. But most importantly of all, no painting or modeling at the session. We are there to play!
We had a meeting last Sunday and I have to admit it was a nice feeling to PLAY again. To Quote a friend "I didn't realize you actually played games of 40k!" to give you an idea how long its been since I played casually. I just enjoy the modelling and painting too much. It eats up all my free time and I inevitably end up complaining while at a tournament that I don't play test enough ;)
My battlewagon is coming along nicely. I added the engines recently, and worked alot on the rotors.
Got the krew "installed", added landing gear and alot of the armor plating is done. Still alot of work to go sadly and I haven't even armed it yet!
But if I power through, I think I can have it all ready for paint in another 2 weeks.
This is a better profile shot. The rotors are more complete than this now, this pic is a week old.
They also sit about 3/4" higher than the transmission towers, I hadn't finished building the collectives yet in this picture.
These are the rotors as they sit today. They still need to be filed down, more putty work and some detail gubbins but they already look better than I had hoped.
Something as eye catching as the rotors on a chopper can really make or break a model so I'm happy they turned out.
This is the start of one of my secret projects. I've started building crashed trukk bases. In addition to being nice pieces (and being very fun to put together) they're very practical.
Since my trukks are so tall by design, when they get wrecked they become a real nuisance on the table. Maneuvering around them with infantry, especially in assaults is very difficult. So now when they get wrecked I can replace it with a convenient marker. I did this with the previous rendition of the army and I never regretted it.
This one is a little more complete. You can see the electric tea candle in the background adding the glow effect. I wish I could take credit for the idea but it's stolen from a couple locals who made up flame and smoke markers with them at my con. I loved the idea so much that I ran with it and came up with these bases.
This base needs a bit more putty work, and I'm going to make a taller smoke plume . This one was just for the proof of concept.

After my games on Sunday I realized the Hueys rotors looked a little... plain? compared the Battlewagons so I brought them back to the painting bench and hacked them up to add the blade bitz like you see here. I'll add a few more detail gubbins too.
The Chinork is just being used for display.
I finished building my lootas and meks a couple weeks ago. I had alot of fun with these guys. Which is good because I expected them to be a disaster since I had no idea what they were going to end up looking like when I was done.
The guy in the middle didn't quite turn out at first, but I ended up adding a bunch of misc cabling and a shoulder pad that rounded him out nicely.
As you can see they're alot further along this week. They're at the point where they just need a bunch of small detail stuff. Mostly to breakup the huge amount of metal on them. I actually broke one of my own rules with this squad and used black spray instead of my usual grey primer. I'm glad I did, I was able to do the metal work in less than 10 minutes. My usual method would have taken a couple of hours on these guys
Now what's this?
Loose bitz for another insane project?
I've been thinking about building a third chopper for some time, a clone of the Huey actually but that felt a little redundant.
I got some inspiration this weekend from some russian army pictures, a few sketches later I went and ordered $50 worth of bitz...
I'll post up more details when they get here.
But as a hint the project code name is Havork.
Also of note I helped start up a local gaming group. A couple of old friends got dragged back into the hobby willingly. (I would have also accepted kicking and screaming) and are putting together new armies as well as dusting ancient ones off. :D
We have only a few simple rules. We play once a month which is more than reasonable even for guys like us with lives and jobs. We have to try to get at least 1 new unit done and painted per session. Proxies are cool since we are there to play test. But most importantly of all, no painting or modeling at the session. We are there to play!
We had a meeting last Sunday and I have to admit it was a nice feeling to PLAY again. To Quote a friend "I didn't realize you actually played games of 40k!" to give you an idea how long its been since I played casually. I just enjoy the modelling and painting too much. It eats up all my free time and I inevitably end up complaining while at a tournament that I don't play test enough ;)
My battlewagon is coming along nicely. I added the engines recently, and worked alot on the rotors.
Got the krew "installed", added landing gear and alot of the armor plating is done. Still alot of work to go sadly and I haven't even armed it yet!
But if I power through, I think I can have it all ready for paint in another 2 weeks.
This is a better profile shot. The rotors are more complete than this now, this pic is a week old.
They also sit about 3/4" higher than the transmission towers, I hadn't finished building the collectives yet in this picture.
These are the rotors as they sit today. They still need to be filed down, more putty work and some detail gubbins but they already look better than I had hoped.
Something as eye catching as the rotors on a chopper can really make or break a model so I'm happy they turned out.
This is the start of one of my secret projects. I've started building crashed trukk bases. In addition to being nice pieces (and being very fun to put together) they're very practical.
Since my trukks are so tall by design, when they get wrecked they become a real nuisance on the table. Maneuvering around them with infantry, especially in assaults is very difficult. So now when they get wrecked I can replace it with a convenient marker. I did this with the previous rendition of the army and I never regretted it.
This one is a little more complete. You can see the electric tea candle in the background adding the glow effect. I wish I could take credit for the idea but it's stolen from a couple locals who made up flame and smoke markers with them at my con. I loved the idea so much that I ran with it and came up with these bases.
This base needs a bit more putty work, and I'm going to make a taller smoke plume . This one was just for the proof of concept.
After my games on Sunday I realized the Hueys rotors looked a little... plain? compared the Battlewagons so I brought them back to the painting bench and hacked them up to add the blade bitz like you see here. I'll add a few more detail gubbins too.
The Chinork is just being used for display.
I finished building my lootas and meks a couple weeks ago. I had alot of fun with these guys. Which is good because I expected them to be a disaster since I had no idea what they were going to end up looking like when I was done.
The guy in the middle didn't quite turn out at first, but I ended up adding a bunch of misc cabling and a shoulder pad that rounded him out nicely.
As you can see they're alot further along this week. They're at the point where they just need a bunch of small detail stuff. Mostly to breakup the huge amount of metal on them. I actually broke one of my own rules with this squad and used black spray instead of my usual grey primer. I'm glad I did, I was able to do the metal work in less than 10 minutes. My usual method would have taken a couple of hours on these guys
Now what's this?
Loose bitz for another insane project?
I've been thinking about building a third chopper for some time, a clone of the Huey actually but that felt a little redundant.
I got some inspiration this weekend from some russian army pictures, a few sketches later I went and ordered $50 worth of bitz...
I'll post up more details when they get here.
But as a hint the project code name is Havork.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday Night Quickie
A couple quick pictures of what I've been working on for the past couple nights.
First of all the Rotors for my Chinork. There's a stupid number of man hours in them already believe it or not, but at least I'm making progress. Another week and they'll be ready to attach to the choppa, if I'm lucky.
Here's some Meks I built tonight. I just felt my army needed more meks! There's never enough around when I need one!
First of all the Rotors for my Chinork. There's a stupid number of man hours in them already believe it or not, but at least I'm making progress. Another week and they'll be ready to attach to the choppa, if I'm lucky.
Here's some Meks I built tonight. I just felt my army needed more meks! There's never enough around when I need one!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
New Projects
Got some new projects on the go today. Which is good since this past week I've been too tired to put in serious effort. So I've been working on 1 fig a day just to say I was making some limited progress.
I've put my BFG fleet in dry-dock today to repair some long term storage related damage. BFG This weekend at my local gaming store woo!
Seriously BFG is IMO the best game GW makes. Great figs, excellent well written rules. All the rulebooks are free to download on GW.com.
It has alot going for it, shame few people actually play. :(
I've added some detail work to the Chinork. Aside from an armor plate here and there I'm pretty much stuck until the engines and rotor parts get here. Which is hopefully next week.
Bitz arrived today! This is all for a crazy new project based on something I saw at my con last month. Hopefully it will come together quickly.
I've put my BFG fleet in dry-dock today to repair some long term storage related damage. BFG This weekend at my local gaming store woo!
Seriously BFG is IMO the best game GW makes. Great figs, excellent well written rules. All the rulebooks are free to download on GW.com.
It has alot going for it, shame few people actually play. :(
I've added some detail work to the Chinork. Aside from an armor plate here and there I'm pretty much stuck until the engines and rotor parts get here. Which is hopefully next week.
Bitz arrived today! This is all for a crazy new project based on something I saw at my con last month. Hopefully it will come together quickly.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Back in Da Game
Alright, my office is done being renovated, my con is over, I'm not in the hospital anymore and work isn't being stupid busy. I don't have excuses anymore so back to painting as usual!
I finished of that squad of boyz that was irritating me. With that done I decided to take a break from painting infantry and try my luck with some more conversion projects. I've had a bunch of ideas on how to finish some old projects so now is the time to get back into it.
I ordered $50 of bitz today for random projects. Just some stuff to finish up a few things, and to fulfill some crazy ideas I've had. I also need to order those forgeworld grot riggers *sigh* Everytime I go to forgeworlds site I spend at least $100. Really need to stop that.
Stuff on the go:
- Chinork Battlewagon
- Crashed trukks (had a sweet idea how to do it at my con, will show it off when I have more together)
- Lootas/meks (on sprue)
Stuff I'll get to eventually
- 16 man squad of boyz (to paint)
- 12 man squad of boyz (to finish assembly)
- Warboss (To finishing painting)
- Huey #2 from scratch (hahahahaha, I hate myself :p)
- Tank Bustas (clean up hasty painting)
- Wartrukks
- Warbuggies
I thought I'd show you my China Cabinet first. It's an idea I got from a friend. That way I can display my figs in my living room without being a total nerd ;) Also it keeps my cat from chewing on them ;P
This is my lovely new painting desk. Already covered in random supplies and projects.
My goal is to keep it neater than the last one, we'll see how long that lasts.
Chinork is starting to come along nicely. I got stalled a few months ago with how to do the rotors and engines. Now that I figured that out (in a flash of insite) It's back to business as usual. And now for my favorite of conversion tasks armor plates and rivets! /sarcasm. At least it gives really good results for the labor.
I ordered some engine bitz off ebay today, hopefully they'll be the right scale when they arrive a few weeks from now.
Random assortment of bitz reserved for the Chinork. Good on you if you can make out what they are, and what they're for.
This is the tub of ongoing projects. I've been hiding stuff in here that I don't want to be working on right now. I find it helps me concentrate if I don't have too much on my painting desk at any one time.
As stuff gets finished, I can dive in here and grab the next thing to be on the go.
I finished of that squad of boyz that was irritating me. With that done I decided to take a break from painting infantry and try my luck with some more conversion projects. I've had a bunch of ideas on how to finish some old projects so now is the time to get back into it.
I ordered $50 of bitz today for random projects. Just some stuff to finish up a few things, and to fulfill some crazy ideas I've had. I also need to order those forgeworld grot riggers *sigh* Everytime I go to forgeworlds site I spend at least $100. Really need to stop that.
Stuff on the go:
- Chinork Battlewagon
- Crashed trukks (had a sweet idea how to do it at my con, will show it off when I have more together)
- Lootas/meks (on sprue)
Stuff I'll get to eventually
- 16 man squad of boyz (to paint)
- 12 man squad of boyz (to finish assembly)
- Warboss (To finishing painting)
- Huey #2 from scratch (hahahahaha, I hate myself :p)
- Tank Bustas (clean up hasty painting)
- Wartrukks
- Warbuggies
I thought I'd show you my China Cabinet first. It's an idea I got from a friend. That way I can display my figs in my living room without being a total nerd ;) Also it keeps my cat from chewing on them ;P
This is my lovely new painting desk. Already covered in random supplies and projects.
My goal is to keep it neater than the last one, we'll see how long that lasts.
Chinork is starting to come along nicely. I got stalled a few months ago with how to do the rotors and engines. Now that I figured that out (in a flash of insite) It's back to business as usual. And now for my favorite of conversion tasks armor plates and rivets! /sarcasm. At least it gives really good results for the labor.
I ordered some engine bitz off ebay today, hopefully they'll be the right scale when they arrive a few weeks from now.
Random assortment of bitz reserved for the Chinork. Good on you if you can make out what they are, and what they're for.
This is the tub of ongoing projects. I've been hiding stuff in here that I don't want to be working on right now. I find it helps me concentrate if I don't have too much on my painting desk at any one time.
As stuff gets finished, I can dive in here and grab the next thing to be on the go.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I'm back!... kinda
Running a Warhammer tournament + Renovating your painting room != progress.
But I managed to get a squad complete this week. 2 Squads completely done!
Hopefully I'll be back to painting with a vengeance next week.
But for now all you get is a blurry picture.
But I managed to get a squad complete this week. 2 Squads completely done!
Hopefully I'll be back to painting with a vengeance next week.
But for now all you get is a blurry picture.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Progress Report #9: Mad Doks
Once again I feel disappointed at my lack of recent progress but once again real life gets in the way. Right after I got back from my vacation I had a visit from the Mad Doks AKA I went to the hospital for a week.
That kinda screws with any plans you might have and getting painting done hasn't been on my list of priorities as of late.
I won't bore you with any of the grizzly details but I will say I'm disappointed I didn't get to keep my kidney stone as it would have made an incredible bit for a Dark Eldar torture device...
I've decided to throw out all my current zeppelin balloons. I haven't been happy with the results from the start so I'm starting over. I had some inspiration from a movie trailer, although the name escapes me at the moment, there's a scene where there is a blimp in the background for 3 secs and it looks exactly like what I wanted to accomplish. Screen shots were taken, google and ebay were researched and now I just need to find the appropriate pre-formed polystyrene parts. I'm close, but the only source I found so far doesn't ship to NA ARRGGG!! but soon SOON!
I've almost got squad B completed. I'm now in the stare at a fig and ask "Why aren't you done!?" phase which involves touch ups and small detail work.
A couple more hours and they'll be added to the case with squad A for a whopping 170/1500 completely painted lol. (Why do I hate myself?)
Squad C is also on the go. Although I don't usually like to work on more than one squad at once (because it looks like I'm not making any progress) I started these guys because I had alot of downtime on my vacation. By the time Squad A is done I should have most of the busy work (metal, base coating etc) done on this squad.
My Warboss had a bit of an accident during transport. Luckily I had his arm and banner pole pinned in place. But I decided rather than try to straighten them I'd break them off and re-glue them. If I was going to ruin the paint anyway I might as well fix it correctly. Luckily it's only few minutes of work.
I've found myself staring at my vehicles alot more lately. Mainly because I feel like I've abandoned them because progress has been so slow.
The issue of course is that I didn't like the early results for the paint and as I discussed before how the conversion for the choppers roof turned out.
I finally realized my issue with the chopper was the lack of colour depth on the hull so I slathered it in blue ink for the heck of it and sure enough it solved the problem. Now I just need to put some detail on there.
That kinda screws with any plans you might have and getting painting done hasn't been on my list of priorities as of late.
I won't bore you with any of the grizzly details but I will say I'm disappointed I didn't get to keep my kidney stone as it would have made an incredible bit for a Dark Eldar torture device...
I've decided to throw out all my current zeppelin balloons. I haven't been happy with the results from the start so I'm starting over. I had some inspiration from a movie trailer, although the name escapes me at the moment, there's a scene where there is a blimp in the background for 3 secs and it looks exactly like what I wanted to accomplish. Screen shots were taken, google and ebay were researched and now I just need to find the appropriate pre-formed polystyrene parts. I'm close, but the only source I found so far doesn't ship to NA ARRGGG!! but soon SOON!
I've almost got squad B completed. I'm now in the stare at a fig and ask "Why aren't you done!?" phase which involves touch ups and small detail work.
A couple more hours and they'll be added to the case with squad A for a whopping 170/1500 completely painted lol. (Why do I hate myself?)
Squad C is also on the go. Although I don't usually like to work on more than one squad at once (because it looks like I'm not making any progress) I started these guys because I had alot of downtime on my vacation. By the time Squad A is done I should have most of the busy work (metal, base coating etc) done on this squad.
My Warboss had a bit of an accident during transport. Luckily I had his arm and banner pole pinned in place. But I decided rather than try to straighten them I'd break them off and re-glue them. If I was going to ruin the paint anyway I might as well fix it correctly. Luckily it's only few minutes of work.
I've found myself staring at my vehicles alot more lately. Mainly because I feel like I've abandoned them because progress has been so slow.
The issue of course is that I didn't like the early results for the paint and as I discussed before how the conversion for the choppers roof turned out.
I finally realized my issue with the chopper was the lack of colour depth on the hull so I slathered it in blue ink for the heck of it and sure enough it solved the problem. Now I just need to put some detail on there.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Brief vacation update
Vacation woo!
So what does one do while on vacation, 2000 km away from home and bored?
Paint of course!
I took a small painting kit with me just for the sake of having it in case I had the urge to paint and its paid off.
I gotten most a new squad of boyz basecoated (16 boyz) and done some detail work on my tan berets.
I don't know if I'll get much more done the rest of this week but I'm already happy with the results.
So what does one do while on vacation, 2000 km away from home and bored?
Paint of course!
I took a small painting kit with me just for the sake of having it in case I had the urge to paint and its paid off.
I gotten most a new squad of boyz basecoated (16 boyz) and done some detail work on my tan berets.
I don't know if I'll get much more done the rest of this week but I'm already happy with the results.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Progress Report #8: I hate Rivets
Sorry bout the delay on the last couple. I've been out of a number of colors for some time so I couldn't continue any squads. Honestly I've been using that as an excuse to take a break in general, but hopefully now I can get back to the army with renewed energy!
I stared at my first squad of orks long enough and did everything I needed to do to consider them finished tonight. Except perhaps a spray of dullcoat.
1 down, 4 squads to go :S
This squad is sitting waiting for paint. I ran out of a number of key colors and can't continue. I've also been too lazy to go out and buy what I'm missing.
At least there's plenty of other things to work on in the meanwhile.
I really should head to my hobby store this week and get paint, that will give me something to do over the long weekend aside from ripping out my rotting fence (woohoo! /sarcasm)
I also got sick of looking at my half-finished Huey. There is WAY too much work left to get it done in one sitting (let alone 5) but tonight I powered through the boring and incredibly sticky process of gluing on the last of the rivets onto its upper hull. You can't really make out most of them due to the blue but there is 63 on there each hand cut and glued. At least I'm thrilled about the result. :D I can kinda figure out how to paint it now which is even better.
I stared at my first squad of orks long enough and did everything I needed to do to consider them finished tonight. Except perhaps a spray of dullcoat.
1 down, 4 squads to go :S
This squad is sitting waiting for paint. I ran out of a number of key colors and can't continue. I've also been too lazy to go out and buy what I'm missing.
At least there's plenty of other things to work on in the meanwhile.
I really should head to my hobby store this week and get paint, that will give me something to do over the long weekend aside from ripping out my rotting fence (woohoo! /sarcasm)
I also got sick of looking at my half-finished Huey. There is WAY too much work left to get it done in one sitting (let alone 5) but tonight I powered through the boring and incredibly sticky process of gluing on the last of the rivets onto its upper hull. You can't really make out most of them due to the blue but there is 63 on there each hand cut and glued. At least I'm thrilled about the result. :D I can kinda figure out how to paint it now which is even better.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Slow but steady progress
Just a bit of work on a second squad in the past couple of weeks. Still quite a bit to do on them but it will get done.
Silly real life and getting between me and painting.
Silly real life and getting between me and painting.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Progress Report #7 : Back to your regularly scheduled programming
Now that I've finished a well deserved break from power painting I can fully get back into the swing off things.
Working without a fixed deadline hanging over my head means I can really concentrate on detail and do some really cool work on some of my more ambitious projects.
Everything that I 'finished' for Astro 2011 is officially back on my painting desk. Everything is getting some touch ups and improvements.
So lets take a look at what I've been working on.
After staring at my chopper for over a month trying to figure out how to paint the upper hull, I finally decided the reason I couldn't figure it out is the upper hull lacked the detail I needed. So after being inspired by a brief glance at a picture of the front of the new battlewagon kit I pulled out a knife, tore the front of the chopper apart and rebuilt it the way you see there. From a distance (where you can't tell that the color scheme is from the different materials rather than paint) it already miles ahead of the old one. I need to add more rivets to the plates on the back and I'll re-prime and paint it. Worthy of note, you can't tell in the photo but the front grill is painted as a checkerboard and some of the rivets have slots carved in them to look like screws. I felt it needed a bit more variety.
I keep touching up Skyboss now and again. He keeps needing just that little bit more to make me satisfied with the result. I added some highlighting to his pants and the tabard, some more metal chipping to break up the plain blue of the detail and some scratches on his axe again because there was too much blue. But alas I feel he still needs more work. I'm too much of a perfectionist it seems.
Here's a brief overview of everything. Still trying to figure out how to finish some of the trukks, but I'm close. I also got some serious inspiration the other day for the balloons, so my prototypes are getting trashed. I wasn't overly happy with them anyway,
Working without a fixed deadline hanging over my head means I can really concentrate on detail and do some really cool work on some of my more ambitious projects.
Everything that I 'finished' for Astro 2011 is officially back on my painting desk. Everything is getting some touch ups and improvements.
So lets take a look at what I've been working on.
After staring at my chopper for over a month trying to figure out how to paint the upper hull, I finally decided the reason I couldn't figure it out is the upper hull lacked the detail I needed. So after being inspired by a brief glance at a picture of the front of the new battlewagon kit I pulled out a knife, tore the front of the chopper apart and rebuilt it the way you see there. From a distance (where you can't tell that the color scheme is from the different materials rather than paint) it already miles ahead of the old one. I need to add more rivets to the plates on the back and I'll re-prime and paint it. Worthy of note, you can't tell in the photo but the front grill is painted as a checkerboard and some of the rivets have slots carved in them to look like screws. I felt it needed a bit more variety.
I keep touching up Skyboss now and again. He keeps needing just that little bit more to make me satisfied with the result. I added some highlighting to his pants and the tabard, some more metal chipping to break up the plain blue of the detail and some scratches on his axe again because there was too much blue. But alas I feel he still needs more work. I'm too much of a perfectionist it seems.
Here's a brief overview of everything. Still trying to figure out how to finish some of the trukks, but I'm close. I also got some serious inspiration the other day for the balloons, so my prototypes are getting trashed. I wasn't overly happy with them anyway,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tournament Pictures
I feel kinda bad for not uploading any pictures lately so voila!
These are my camera contents for the day 1 of Astronomi-con
My friend Dave put together a pretty cool army showcase from last weekend on his blog
These are my camera contents for the day 1 of Astronomi-con
My friend Dave put together a pretty cool army showcase from last weekend on his blog
Renewed Motivation
I find it's a good idea to take a break from creativity after a major tournament. Go out, hang out with friends and make up for that time I lost because I spent so much time painting in the past month. Hell I might even risk getting some colour on my pasty white geek flesh, that is if it would stop raining. Still I couldn't help but put in a couple hours on the army in the past week. It's a strange feeling, I've been concentrating on my army so much lately that I've kinda forgotten what else I used to do with my free time.
I've taken all the figs that I finished for the tournament last week and put them back on my painting desk. Now that I've got a chance to look at them all with fresh eyes I realize how many spots I missed, minor details that didn't get painted and various mistakes I made. *sigh* It hurts being a perfectionist. My tankbustas in particular were fairly rushed so I new I would have to put them back on the desk for a while. (Which is annoying because I really don't like painting boyz with rokkits, its really hard to get at all the details)
I also took the advice of the tournament organizer and did some touch ups on my warboss. The putty work on his neck wasn't done to my liking so I touched it up. I added a number of highlights to his clothes. I also wasn't overly happy with the flat blue I used for blotchy paint on his metalwork so I've been busy adding rust and chipping effects. All this on top for fixing some slips of my brush. Another couple of hours (if I'm lucky) and I can call him done.
I've been slowly working on my Trukks as well, I haven't had the flashes of insight I need to figure out how to finish them, but it will come in time.
I'm planning on going down to the GW store on Saturday for a painting session, see what I can get done. I'm not setting any goals for myself this time, I want to bring the 'fun' back. At least until the next tournament ;)
I've taken all the figs that I finished for the tournament last week and put them back on my painting desk. Now that I've got a chance to look at them all with fresh eyes I realize how many spots I missed, minor details that didn't get painted and various mistakes I made. *sigh* It hurts being a perfectionist. My tankbustas in particular were fairly rushed so I new I would have to put them back on the desk for a while. (Which is annoying because I really don't like painting boyz with rokkits, its really hard to get at all the details)
I also took the advice of the tournament organizer and did some touch ups on my warboss. The putty work on his neck wasn't done to my liking so I touched it up. I added a number of highlights to his clothes. I also wasn't overly happy with the flat blue I used for blotchy paint on his metalwork so I've been busy adding rust and chipping effects. All this on top for fixing some slips of my brush. Another couple of hours (if I'm lucky) and I can call him done.
I've been slowly working on my Trukks as well, I haven't had the flashes of insight I need to figure out how to finish them, but it will come in time.
I'm planning on going down to the GW store on Saturday for a painting session, see what I can get done. I'm not setting any goals for myself this time, I want to bring the 'fun' back. At least until the next tournament ;)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tournament Report
Firstly I apologize for not posting any updates lately but you would not believe the week I've had.
With the big day approaching for Astronomi-con 2011 I spent the majority of last weekend and all my evenings last week painting to try to get the new army done in time. But despite a 40 hour painting fest I was barely able to get 1/3 of the army playable. The majority of the army has paint on it now with a couple of vehicles and 1 infantry squad still needing some conversion work. But as it turns out this was too ambitious a project for me in a 3 month period.
So what is a good Warboss supposed to do? The tournament is tomorrow, only 1/3 of the army is painted and all of your vehicles are in the garage. Do you just mope and show up without something else? Heck no, you grab whatever boyz you can and go for it!
Astro list 2011 (AKA Plan B)
1500 points
Warboss - Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armor, Cybork Body, Bosspole
Big Mek - Burna, Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armor, Cybork Body, Bosspole
Tank Bustas - 8 Boyz, 3 Bomb Squigs
Slugga Boyz - 20 Boyz w/ 2 Rokkits
Shoota Boyz - 20 Boyz w/2 Big Shootas
Deff Dread - 2 Rokkits
Grot Mob - 20 Grotz, 2 Slavas
Fast Attack
Storm Boyz - 15 Boyz, Nob w/ Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
Kroot Hound Pack - 10 Kroot, 5 hounds, Shaper w/Power Weapon and Slugga, Hyperactive Nymune Organ
Heavy Support
Fighta Bomba
2 Zzap gun platforms - 3 Extra Krew, 3 Ammo Runts
This is not at all what I would consider an optimized list. It's literally a bunch of fun units and random conversions that I've done over the years. I was just showing up to have fun, I knew I had little chance of taking tournament glass with this list. Knowing that I decided to take a bunch of units that rarely see the table. Units like my stormboyz, a unit with which I have a love and hate relationship with. They look great, are impressive on paper, are fluffy as hell but as Jervis once said in a battle report "Every time I've seen stormboyz on the table they've gotten shot at once and ran off the board" which IMO is as true today as it was in 3rd edition with the black codex.
I took my dreadnought which is the first Ork model I ever assembled (almost ten years ago). My grot mob because I never get to use them anymore and My Kroot mercenaries pack. A unit I made up for fun when the Kroot mercs list was first released and hardly ever used (because quite frankly they aren't worth the points you pay) and of course my now semi infamous Fighta Bomba which I took to fill points.
I had to break all my basic rules to pull out this list. No fine tuning, no optimization and zero playtesting.
I actually found myself so unfamiliar with foot sloggers that I made silly mistakes. But I'll get the details in my abridged battle reports.
Day 1 Game 1: Orks vs Orks in the mist
Out of 31 players, 18 of them were marines and 3 of them were Orks. I manage to fight a fellow Ork player in the first round, this should be awesome.
The mission was to claim 6 ammo bins from a downed aircraft. The table is covered in a 'thick fog' that makes any shooting past 12" hit on 5+ (2 Ork players lol) and makes all vehicles and planes roll dangerous terrain tests.
His Army had huge mobz of boyz, Lootas and 7 dreadnoughts. I would need to get my anti-tank on the board quickly.
We had just assumed that the grotz piloting the cargo plan got lost in the mist and plowed it into the ground!
Or forces would all come on piecemeal thanks to reserves and the scenario had rules stating that our forces could randomly arrive from the table edges as well as our board edges.
Luck was not with me this game. Time and time again I maneuvered my foot sloggers in to grab objectives and to try to take out his units. Even with avg rolls I would have faired alot better but instead one one by one my massive mobs of boyz got cut down due to a lack of saves and poor moral tests.
My much needed anti-tank units didn't arrive until the end of the game. My dreadnought clashed with his and despite scoring a number of penetrating hits on him all I managed was to stun him while he blew mine up.
My stormboyz got caught out of position and were destroyed by killer kans because a big mob of boyz couldn't hold themselves in HtH with a dreadnought due to a pooched moral roll.
My anti-tank guns could do more than stun armor 11 tanks.
And the final insult? My plane arrived, bombed a squad of orks (quite successfully) and then plowed into the ground with a failed difficult terrain check the very next round (due to the scenario special rules)
"This altimeter is just painted on!"
I managed to grab enough objectives to hold a draw but the rolls to end the game didn't go my way and forced me to play 2 more turns which resulted in me getting tabled.
Game loss Battlepoints: 0
The Ork player I was fighting would then go on to win best General that weekend, so that made me feel a little less badly. ;)
Lessons learned
I miss my trukks, the lack of mobility is amplified by coming on piecemeal and on random table edges. My specialist units were always out of position.
Not having Nobz in my boyz squads (they weren't painted) made them unable to deal with any significant threat in HtH.
Sometimes your tactics can be bang on but the dice just aren't with you.
Don't fly in fog unless you have your IFR rating lol
Day 1: Game 2 Orks vs Dark Eldar
Round 2 I get pitted against Mike, an old friend of mine and his Dark Eldar. Mike has won more best generals at this tournament than anyone else so I know I'm in for a rough ride.
The scenario we are playing is 'Hammer and Ambull' I'm familiar with it because I played it at the last Astro. It's a victory points mission where some old school Ambul models pop out at random to harass you.
I deployed defensively seeing the raider heavy force in front me. My hope was to pop as many boats as possible so that I could gun him down before he could get into HtH.
But of course my crappy luck continued and in the first round an Ambul popped up in my lines and killed all the grotz crewing my Zzap guns leaving me with some big shootas as my only weapons with more than 24" range.
Mike skillfully outflanked and outmaneuvered my army and cut my units down one at a time. He also fielded a very large squad of warp beasts that I had a very hard time dealing with. My plane didn't arrive early enough to bomb them and I couldn't deal enough wounds to the squad to make it go away quickly enough.
In this game the big mobz were definitely to my disadvantage. A squad of Dark Eldar charges in, kills 8 Orks. I swing back and kill 2-3 Dark Eldar (bad luck + Feel no pain) I'm still fearless due to being over 12, so I take 6 extra wounds. I have a 6+ save on my Orks so they all die. Next turn he mops up the squad, any boyz that survive get cut down because our initiative isn't high enough to run away from Dark Eldar.
Rinse wash repeat and you have the whole game.
Game loss Battlepoints: 1
Lessons learned
- Still miss my trukks
- I took the grot crewed Zzap gunz as an experiment. On paper it looks better than taking the gun trukks. They are 40 points cheaper, have BS3 instead of BS2 and can re-roll to hit thanks to the ammo runts.
But they have no survivability. In two games now my grotz have been looked at funny and proceeded to run off the board. An armor 10 trukk would be alot tougher, and can move 12" and still shoot. Keeping them around for 2-3 turns more than the grotz more than makes up for the lower BS. I think I made the right call putting them in my KoS army. Now I just need to finish painting them.
Day 1 Game 3: Bi-round vs the organizer - Orks vs. Mech Guard.
By round 3 having only scored 1 of a potential 30 battlepoints I was at the bottom of the heap. This put me up against one of the organizers in a bi-round since there was an odd number of players. In the bi round I was guaranteed 10 battlepoints regardless of the outcome and atm I could use the charity.
Christian, the organizer is also a friend and I always have a blast playing against him so I was looking forward to finishing day 1 with an enjoyable game.
The scenario had us picking up ammo crates from a supply drop. The player with the most crates at the end of the game would win. However at the end of the game we needed to roll off for each crate we captured, on a 1: the crate is damaged and doesn't count, 2-5 the crate is valid and on a 6 the crate is worth 2.
Deployment would be from reserve with only a few units on the board.
I had first turn, firing a Zzap gun at a chimera and rolling a str of '2'. The first multi-laser shot of the game then killed enough grotz in my Zzap gun squad to force them to run off the board. Ld 5 sucks! but so is life as a grot.
Both of our forces rolled on piecemeal and mostly on the flanks. We both struggled to grab objectives but near the end of the game Christian had 3 and I had none. My Orks were forced to run into the no mans land of the center of the table to grab objectives and were being swiftly cut down by numerous Chimera hulls.
Luckily I was able to play the delay game. My stormboyz arrived on my left flank and engaged several chimeras in HtH. Slowly ripping them open like a couple soup cans they tore off the tracks and the weapons while throwing Frag stikkbombs into whatever holes they could carve. Ultimately they wouldn't kill either tank, just disable them, but they managed to tie them and there squads (as well as most of the guardsmen on that flank) up for several turns giving me a chance to survive my march into the center.
My Kroot also showed up on a flank, my right. They too proceeded to mangle a tank, Christian's Russ. Again slowly tearing off the tracks and weapons. My Dreadnought eventually showed up on the same flank to finish the job while the Kroot abandoned the tank to assault a nearby chimera with similar effect. Ultimately the Kroot would disable 3 tanks with the dreadnought finishing off 2 of them.
My plane arrived and dropped its bombs on a squad of guardsmen holding onto an objective vaporizing them instantly and bringing Christians # to 2. My 4 remaining stormboyz abandoned trying to claw open Chimeras and jumped to the center of the map to engage another squad holding an objective. They get close and then I pooch a difficult terrain roll ending that dream as I watch in horror as 50+ guardsmen gun them all down.
However all this bought me valueable time. My grotz formed a conga line towards the center to grab an objective. The Conga line tactic worked well by keeping half there squad in cover and I managed to nab one objective. Meanwhile my Warboss, Big Mek and there squad marched and ran towards an objective in the open. The multilasers cut them down leaving the boss, the mek with 1 wound and a single Ork. Then I failed the moral test... I re-rolled using the bosspole scored snakeyes! then the Warboss proceeded to saw Madspannerz (the big mek) in half because using the pole inflicts and wound because the last boy had to stay alive because he was the only one in range of the objective!
I had one last turn to go and I grab the 2nd objective making it a draw before we roll off to see which objectives are real and fake.
I rolled first to find out that I had one good and one fake objective.
Christian then rolled the same result, ending the game in a draw.
Game Draw battlepoints: 10
Lessons learned:
- Despite being near useless for everything else, my Kroot apparently like killing tanks. Next time I use them I'll have to put meltabombs on the Shaper.
- Despite the fact that they pretty much drew the game for me the Stormboyz still look better on paper then they actually are.
- Grotz will run away at the drop of a hat, always give them a slava with the higher ld and the re-roll.
- Never give up until the last turn
Well Day 1 didn't go all that great but at least I had fun. I went home that night exhausted and hoping to bounce back a little.
Day 2:
Well unfortunately there was no Day 2 for me. On the way to the convention center that morning I got into an accident and totalled my van. There had been a blizzard the night before and the roads were extremely slippery. Fortunately no one was injured but my van was a write off. Given how poorly I had performed the previous day at least I wasn't going to lose my chance at tournament glass. But I was still sad that I couldn't finish the day.
I showed up later in the day to collect my figs and to put in my tickets for the raffle.
I left disappointed but received a call later that apparently I had won a gift certificate in the raffle. So the weekend wasn't a total write off. ;)
More importantly I had a talk with the judges about my painting score. Showing up as is, with 60% of my army made up of old figs I still scored 5 points higher than in previous years. He also stated that my score could go as high as 10-12 points higher than my previous scores once I had the new army completed and gave me a few pointers at what I could do to maximize my score.
So all in all that vindication was worth it. I can return to my painting desk with renewed vigor knowing that once its done it will be all worth it.
And maybe then my luck at the tournament table will turn around ;)
With the big day approaching for Astronomi-con 2011 I spent the majority of last weekend and all my evenings last week painting to try to get the new army done in time. But despite a 40 hour painting fest I was barely able to get 1/3 of the army playable. The majority of the army has paint on it now with a couple of vehicles and 1 infantry squad still needing some conversion work. But as it turns out this was too ambitious a project for me in a 3 month period.
So what is a good Warboss supposed to do? The tournament is tomorrow, only 1/3 of the army is painted and all of your vehicles are in the garage. Do you just mope and show up without something else? Heck no, you grab whatever boyz you can and go for it!
Astro list 2011 (AKA Plan B)
1500 points
Warboss - Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armor, Cybork Body, Bosspole
Big Mek - Burna, Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armor, Cybork Body, Bosspole
Tank Bustas - 8 Boyz, 3 Bomb Squigs
Slugga Boyz - 20 Boyz w/ 2 Rokkits
Shoota Boyz - 20 Boyz w/2 Big Shootas
Deff Dread - 2 Rokkits
Grot Mob - 20 Grotz, 2 Slavas
Fast Attack
Storm Boyz - 15 Boyz, Nob w/ Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
Kroot Hound Pack - 10 Kroot, 5 hounds, Shaper w/Power Weapon and Slugga, Hyperactive Nymune Organ
Heavy Support
Fighta Bomba
2 Zzap gun platforms - 3 Extra Krew, 3 Ammo Runts
This is not at all what I would consider an optimized list. It's literally a bunch of fun units and random conversions that I've done over the years. I was just showing up to have fun, I knew I had little chance of taking tournament glass with this list. Knowing that I decided to take a bunch of units that rarely see the table. Units like my stormboyz, a unit with which I have a love and hate relationship with. They look great, are impressive on paper, are fluffy as hell but as Jervis once said in a battle report "Every time I've seen stormboyz on the table they've gotten shot at once and ran off the board" which IMO is as true today as it was in 3rd edition with the black codex.
I took my dreadnought which is the first Ork model I ever assembled (almost ten years ago). My grot mob because I never get to use them anymore and My Kroot mercenaries pack. A unit I made up for fun when the Kroot mercs list was first released and hardly ever used (because quite frankly they aren't worth the points you pay) and of course my now semi infamous Fighta Bomba which I took to fill points.
I had to break all my basic rules to pull out this list. No fine tuning, no optimization and zero playtesting.
I actually found myself so unfamiliar with foot sloggers that I made silly mistakes. But I'll get the details in my abridged battle reports.
Day 1 Game 1: Orks vs Orks in the mist
Out of 31 players, 18 of them were marines and 3 of them were Orks. I manage to fight a fellow Ork player in the first round, this should be awesome.
The mission was to claim 6 ammo bins from a downed aircraft. The table is covered in a 'thick fog' that makes any shooting past 12" hit on 5+ (2 Ork players lol) and makes all vehicles and planes roll dangerous terrain tests.
His Army had huge mobz of boyz, Lootas and 7 dreadnoughts. I would need to get my anti-tank on the board quickly.
We had just assumed that the grotz piloting the cargo plan got lost in the mist and plowed it into the ground!
Or forces would all come on piecemeal thanks to reserves and the scenario had rules stating that our forces could randomly arrive from the table edges as well as our board edges.
Luck was not with me this game. Time and time again I maneuvered my foot sloggers in to grab objectives and to try to take out his units. Even with avg rolls I would have faired alot better but instead one one by one my massive mobs of boyz got cut down due to a lack of saves and poor moral tests.
My much needed anti-tank units didn't arrive until the end of the game. My dreadnought clashed with his and despite scoring a number of penetrating hits on him all I managed was to stun him while he blew mine up.
My stormboyz got caught out of position and were destroyed by killer kans because a big mob of boyz couldn't hold themselves in HtH with a dreadnought due to a pooched moral roll.
My anti-tank guns could do more than stun armor 11 tanks.
And the final insult? My plane arrived, bombed a squad of orks (quite successfully) and then plowed into the ground with a failed difficult terrain check the very next round (due to the scenario special rules)
"This altimeter is just painted on!"
I managed to grab enough objectives to hold a draw but the rolls to end the game didn't go my way and forced me to play 2 more turns which resulted in me getting tabled.
Game loss Battlepoints: 0
The Ork player I was fighting would then go on to win best General that weekend, so that made me feel a little less badly. ;)
Lessons learned
I miss my trukks, the lack of mobility is amplified by coming on piecemeal and on random table edges. My specialist units were always out of position.
Not having Nobz in my boyz squads (they weren't painted) made them unable to deal with any significant threat in HtH.
Sometimes your tactics can be bang on but the dice just aren't with you.
Don't fly in fog unless you have your IFR rating lol
Day 1: Game 2 Orks vs Dark Eldar
Round 2 I get pitted against Mike, an old friend of mine and his Dark Eldar. Mike has won more best generals at this tournament than anyone else so I know I'm in for a rough ride.
The scenario we are playing is 'Hammer and Ambull' I'm familiar with it because I played it at the last Astro. It's a victory points mission where some old school Ambul models pop out at random to harass you.
I deployed defensively seeing the raider heavy force in front me. My hope was to pop as many boats as possible so that I could gun him down before he could get into HtH.
But of course my crappy luck continued and in the first round an Ambul popped up in my lines and killed all the grotz crewing my Zzap guns leaving me with some big shootas as my only weapons with more than 24" range.
Mike skillfully outflanked and outmaneuvered my army and cut my units down one at a time. He also fielded a very large squad of warp beasts that I had a very hard time dealing with. My plane didn't arrive early enough to bomb them and I couldn't deal enough wounds to the squad to make it go away quickly enough.
In this game the big mobz were definitely to my disadvantage. A squad of Dark Eldar charges in, kills 8 Orks. I swing back and kill 2-3 Dark Eldar (bad luck + Feel no pain) I'm still fearless due to being over 12, so I take 6 extra wounds. I have a 6+ save on my Orks so they all die. Next turn he mops up the squad, any boyz that survive get cut down because our initiative isn't high enough to run away from Dark Eldar.
Rinse wash repeat and you have the whole game.
Game loss Battlepoints: 1
Lessons learned
- Still miss my trukks
- I took the grot crewed Zzap gunz as an experiment. On paper it looks better than taking the gun trukks. They are 40 points cheaper, have BS3 instead of BS2 and can re-roll to hit thanks to the ammo runts.
But they have no survivability. In two games now my grotz have been looked at funny and proceeded to run off the board. An armor 10 trukk would be alot tougher, and can move 12" and still shoot. Keeping them around for 2-3 turns more than the grotz more than makes up for the lower BS. I think I made the right call putting them in my KoS army. Now I just need to finish painting them.
Day 1 Game 3: Bi-round vs the organizer - Orks vs. Mech Guard.
By round 3 having only scored 1 of a potential 30 battlepoints I was at the bottom of the heap. This put me up against one of the organizers in a bi-round since there was an odd number of players. In the bi round I was guaranteed 10 battlepoints regardless of the outcome and atm I could use the charity.
Christian, the organizer is also a friend and I always have a blast playing against him so I was looking forward to finishing day 1 with an enjoyable game.
The scenario had us picking up ammo crates from a supply drop. The player with the most crates at the end of the game would win. However at the end of the game we needed to roll off for each crate we captured, on a 1: the crate is damaged and doesn't count, 2-5 the crate is valid and on a 6 the crate is worth 2.
Deployment would be from reserve with only a few units on the board.
I had first turn, firing a Zzap gun at a chimera and rolling a str of '2'. The first multi-laser shot of the game then killed enough grotz in my Zzap gun squad to force them to run off the board. Ld 5 sucks! but so is life as a grot.
Both of our forces rolled on piecemeal and mostly on the flanks. We both struggled to grab objectives but near the end of the game Christian had 3 and I had none. My Orks were forced to run into the no mans land of the center of the table to grab objectives and were being swiftly cut down by numerous Chimera hulls.
Luckily I was able to play the delay game. My stormboyz arrived on my left flank and engaged several chimeras in HtH. Slowly ripping them open like a couple soup cans they tore off the tracks and the weapons while throwing Frag stikkbombs into whatever holes they could carve. Ultimately they wouldn't kill either tank, just disable them, but they managed to tie them and there squads (as well as most of the guardsmen on that flank) up for several turns giving me a chance to survive my march into the center.
My Kroot also showed up on a flank, my right. They too proceeded to mangle a tank, Christian's Russ. Again slowly tearing off the tracks and weapons. My Dreadnought eventually showed up on the same flank to finish the job while the Kroot abandoned the tank to assault a nearby chimera with similar effect. Ultimately the Kroot would disable 3 tanks with the dreadnought finishing off 2 of them.
My plane arrived and dropped its bombs on a squad of guardsmen holding onto an objective vaporizing them instantly and bringing Christians # to 2. My 4 remaining stormboyz abandoned trying to claw open Chimeras and jumped to the center of the map to engage another squad holding an objective. They get close and then I pooch a difficult terrain roll ending that dream as I watch in horror as 50+ guardsmen gun them all down.
However all this bought me valueable time. My grotz formed a conga line towards the center to grab an objective. The Conga line tactic worked well by keeping half there squad in cover and I managed to nab one objective. Meanwhile my Warboss, Big Mek and there squad marched and ran towards an objective in the open. The multilasers cut them down leaving the boss, the mek with 1 wound and a single Ork. Then I failed the moral test... I re-rolled using the bosspole scored snakeyes! then the Warboss proceeded to saw Madspannerz (the big mek) in half because using the pole inflicts and wound because the last boy had to stay alive because he was the only one in range of the objective!
I had one last turn to go and I grab the 2nd objective making it a draw before we roll off to see which objectives are real and fake.
I rolled first to find out that I had one good and one fake objective.
Christian then rolled the same result, ending the game in a draw.
Game Draw battlepoints: 10
Lessons learned:
- Despite being near useless for everything else, my Kroot apparently like killing tanks. Next time I use them I'll have to put meltabombs on the Shaper.
- Despite the fact that they pretty much drew the game for me the Stormboyz still look better on paper then they actually are.
- Grotz will run away at the drop of a hat, always give them a slava with the higher ld and the re-roll.
- Never give up until the last turn
Well Day 1 didn't go all that great but at least I had fun. I went home that night exhausted and hoping to bounce back a little.
Day 2:
Well unfortunately there was no Day 2 for me. On the way to the convention center that morning I got into an accident and totalled my van. There had been a blizzard the night before and the roads were extremely slippery. Fortunately no one was injured but my van was a write off. Given how poorly I had performed the previous day at least I wasn't going to lose my chance at tournament glass. But I was still sad that I couldn't finish the day.
I showed up later in the day to collect my figs and to put in my tickets for the raffle.
I left disappointed but received a call later that apparently I had won a gift certificate in the raffle. So the weekend wasn't a total write off. ;)
More importantly I had a talk with the judges about my painting score. Showing up as is, with 60% of my army made up of old figs I still scored 5 points higher than in previous years. He also stated that my score could go as high as 10-12 points higher than my previous scores once I had the new army completed and gave me a few pointers at what I could do to maximize my score.
So all in all that vindication was worth it. I can return to my painting desk with renewed vigor knowing that once its done it will be all worth it.
And maybe then my luck at the tournament table will turn around ;)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Paint is being applied
Sorry About the lack of updates lately. As the tournament approaches everything becomes SNAFU.
A couple crazy weeks at work combined with painting frantically doesn't leave alot of time for anything else in my life atm.
It is a nice feeling to have at least some progress done.
I'll do a proper progress report later but for now you get this one preview picture. It's barely even started, there is no detail done yet or weathering but at least you get to see the work in progress.
So how does one cope with having to build/paint so much in such a short period of time?
Breathing in a brown paper bag helps j/k
It's all about prioritizing. I'm lucky enough to have some backup figs I can use in case of dire need, that lets me concentrate on the most important things in my new army (The vehicles)
I'm also painting my vehicles as a lot. Painting four trukks at a time feels time consuming and slow going because you don't get to see alot of progress at once but its actually quite a bit faster and everything gets done at the same time since you're not constantly switching between colours and cleaning up between small steps.
I'm also squeezing in some work on some infantry and my Warboss since I find that more interesting, if anything it's just to keep me motivated.
I keep a list on a whiteboard of what I need to accomplish during a power painting day or over a week. I find it helps to keep me focused and I can erase steps once there done giving me instant gratification (even if the figs themselves aren't done) because again it's all about staying motivated.
I also made the mistake of calculating how many points of figs I had completely done.
It's depressing really.
And in my army there's no 250 point tank that I can finish quickly to raise that up. No No... everything is 40-50 points or 100 point infantry squads.
Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to painting and trying to figure out try to figure out why I like punish myself. ;)
A couple crazy weeks at work combined with painting frantically doesn't leave alot of time for anything else in my life atm.
It is a nice feeling to have at least some progress done.
I'll do a proper progress report later but for now you get this one preview picture. It's barely even started, there is no detail done yet or weathering but at least you get to see the work in progress.
So how does one cope with having to build/paint so much in such a short period of time?
Breathing in a brown paper bag helps j/k
It's all about prioritizing. I'm lucky enough to have some backup figs I can use in case of dire need, that lets me concentrate on the most important things in my new army (The vehicles)
I'm also painting my vehicles as a lot. Painting four trukks at a time feels time consuming and slow going because you don't get to see alot of progress at once but its actually quite a bit faster and everything gets done at the same time since you're not constantly switching between colours and cleaning up between small steps.
I'm also squeezing in some work on some infantry and my Warboss since I find that more interesting, if anything it's just to keep me motivated.
I keep a list on a whiteboard of what I need to accomplish during a power painting day or over a week. I find it helps to keep me focused and I can erase steps once there done giving me instant gratification (even if the figs themselves aren't done) because again it's all about staying motivated.
I also made the mistake of calculating how many points of figs I had completely done.
It's depressing really.
And in my army there's no 250 point tank that I can finish quickly to raise that up. No No... everything is 40-50 points or 100 point infantry squads.
Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to painting and trying to figure out try to figure out why I like punish myself. ;)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Progress Report #6
I realize I haven't done a progress update in a bit. Real life unfortunately has a way of getting in the way ;)
Chinork is coming along. main hull and inside are together. Have been working slowly on the transmission towers and the out-riggers.
Finally put the Gun trukks back on the work bench as I finally have the diamon plate stock I needed to finish them. I added the roll bar and the mesh window so far as well as a few details to the engine compartment. These will still need alot of work.
Wartrakks are slow going as well as they have alot of small pieces. There on the stands and the tubing for the lower halves are together. I also built diamond plate seats and floor for the crews. All the bitz for the crews and weapons are here so I can get to work on these.
Door gunner for the Huey as a friend suggested. I think he really adds to it!
I consider the Huey to be a complete project. Just needs paint. Yay! one done.
Converted Grot rigger on the Huey.
I added the grot bomb launch rail to the huey as well, but I'm not 100% happy with it. Maybe I'll get inspired later this week, tear it off and make a better one.
Chinork is coming along. main hull and inside are together. Have been working slowly on the transmission towers and the out-riggers.
Finally put the Gun trukks back on the work bench as I finally have the diamon plate stock I needed to finish them. I added the roll bar and the mesh window so far as well as a few details to the engine compartment. These will still need alot of work.
Wartrakks are slow going as well as they have alot of small pieces. There on the stands and the tubing for the lower halves are together. I also built diamond plate seats and floor for the crews. All the bitz for the crews and weapons are here so I can get to work on these.
Door gunner for the Huey as a friend suggested. I think he really adds to it!
I consider the Huey to be a complete project. Just needs paint. Yay! one done.
Converted Grot rigger on the Huey.
I added the grot bomb launch rail to the huey as well, but I'm not 100% happy with it. Maybe I'll get inspired later this week, tear it off and make a better one.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Battle Report: Astro 2011 Playtest AKA battle of the Prototype List
Unlike previous years I decided that I would actually try to playtest my army at least more than once before a major tournament! So with that in mind Dave and I got together to try out our tournament armies. Dave was playing his 'no forgeworld' Vegas GT list and I would be playing my the prototype for my 2011 Astro list.
So lets go through the pre-game run down.
My Army:
My armylist starts with 5 scoring units in trukks, 3 boyz squads, one of grotz and one meganobz squad.
I have two characters, the Warboss of course and a Big Mek with a KFF which I find incredibly useful.
2 squadrons of Wartrakks, a squadron of Zzap gun wartrukks (Imperial Armor 11), The Huey is running as a Mek Junka (IA 11) and the Chinork is running as a Big Trakk (IA 11) and a small squad of tank bustas.
I have a fair bit of forgeworld vehicles in my army which I like because they give me a great deal of flexibility.
Lots of scoring units and men on the ground and all following my usual preference of target overlord. Essentially having more units on the board than my opponent can shoot at in a turn.
I'm running almost no dedicated specialist units this time around but I'm hoping the sheer number of targets will be able to give Dave a run for his money.
Dave's Army:
Dave arrived with a classic Dave list. Lots of Falcon hulls (4 Wave Serpents and a Night Spinner) supported by three vypers and a squadron of 5 warp spiders.
Dave is playing a larger squad of Fire Dragons in one boat and 3x 5 man squads of Dire Avengers. As he put it DAVU (Dire Avengers as a Vehicle Upgrade) essential making the wave serpent scoring.
He finished it up with his Autarch and a Farseer.
Dave has alot of armored hulls, that will be tough for me to crack. His preference lately is run scatter laser and shuriken cannons on everything. The lack of high strength guns may seem a disadvantage but I know better. He can put alot of Str 6 shots down field and cut my trukks and boyz to pieces so I will have to be careful.
No matter what I'm expecting to have to run at a wall of 12 armor with tons of shots coming down wind at me.
Scenario: Headhunt
I went digging through my scenario book and ended up pulling out a gem from a Warcon from 6 years ago. We adapted it to 5th ed on the fly. I rather like random scenarios since it helps you get a better feel for your army and at Astro there is a different scenario on every table, so flexibility is key.
The scenario is a modified victory points mission, with your general (highest point character) being worth and extra 250 VP but while he is alive all of your models get +1 ld, but when he dies all your models get -1 ld.
I also pulled out some of my con terrain from the garage, I've had this volcano table for months but I had yet to play on it!
I managed to get the option to go first or second. I usually prefer to go second (to get the last turn) but I opted to go first to put myself in a harder position being that it’s a playtest game.
The table was fairly even, with a large LOS blocking volcano in the center.
I got to deploy first and deployed in a 'turtle formation' blocking LOS to my more valuable trukks and keeping everything under the watchful cover of my force field. I decided against reserves in the game because I knew I would have to aggressively move towards Dave.
In retrospect I made the turtle formation out of habit when I probably would have been better off deploying as close to Dave as possible since I got the first turn anyway (assuming he didn't steal the initiative)
Dave Chose to deploy everything as well. I was actually expecting him to deploy in reserve but like me he decided to have that extra couple of turns on the table to shoot at me.
I had deployed my force in the center of the table to hopefully force him in a corner (to be as far away from me as possible) but avoiding having our armies in opposite corners. Since of course its to my advantage to be as close as possible to start with.
I don't know why this pictures in sideways, don't ask its just too late at night.
Turn 1 - Alex
I started by making a B-line for the Volcano. That would get me closer to Dave while staying behind cover.
I fired of a Grot bomb and my Zzap guns to try to disable a wave serpent and a torrent of fire against the vypers but no joy. Then I hunkered in for the oncoming storm.
Turn 1 - Dave
Dave shimmied up the Vypers and the serpents and unloaded a great deal of scatter laser fire taking out my Gun Trukks, damaging a warbuggy and destroying a boat carrying my Meganobz.
He dropped a Night Spinner template in the middle of my trukks immobilizing my Huey and giving everyone markers that force difficult terrain checks to hopefully disable more of my trukks. (luckily I have rerolls on everything ;) ) You can see the ! markers in the previous picture.
It was a bit of damage but nothing I consider even close to crippling. This would just slow me down slightly.
Turn 2 - Alex
At this point my plan began to spring into action. With Dave in the corner I decided to swing my forces in two directions around the volcano. With my force driving towards Dave he would have 3 choices. Move towards my main force and all my guns exposing his flank to my tank hunters. Or move towards the tank hunters head on and expose his flank to my main force. Or move into the corner and fight my entire army head on.
My hope was to crack some of his boats. At that point if he tried to make a break for it I could decide to give chase or abandon and clean up the Eldar left on the ground for the victory points.
I moved my boyz into position and fired! And once again couldn't kill anything. Hopefully my boyz will dig out the live ammo next turn.
Turn 2 - Dave
Dave started the turn by rolling for reserves with the Autarch +1 and got his Warp Spiders in. They jumped in behind my lines, but deviated 11 inches. Still in a great position to damage my tanks from the rear and he managed to immobilize one of my trukks.
Dave then moved up his Vypers to attack and hopefully screen his wave serpents and moved the serpents to unload into my tank hunting wartrakk squad.
He does modest damage to some more trukks and continues raining down Webs from the night spinner.
Turn 3 - Alex
I start my turn with a series of repair rolls from my grot riggers and my big mek to fix my trukks without any luck at all.
I unload a squad of boyz to deal with the spiders killing 4/5 with shooting, too far away for assault.
I continue to move steadily towards Dave's army. My Tank Bustas jump out of the Huey, tired of waiting for it to be fixed and along with the rest of the army unload a torrent of Big shootas and rokkits into his serpents and Vypers without any serious damage.
Once again my Grotz appear to have loaded my ammo bins with fireworks.
You can see those intact vypers in the picture... taunting me ;)
Turn 3 - Dave
With the game over the hump Dave begins to count victory points and starts working on damaged units to get as many points as possible.
Aside from some more trukk damage the highlight of the turn was 20 odd shots into my meganobz dealing a ton of wounds, killing 2 of them. Not quite enough to claim victory points, but there will no doubt be more shooting.
Dave also dropped the Nightspinner template on my tank bustas wiping out the squad and my best chance to crack one of his tanks.
Turn 4 - Alex
With most of the trukks on the left flank gone my boyz began to move through cover on the last turn while putting down as much fire as they can.
I let off another torrent of fire and caused more minor damage. I also manage to finish off the Warp Spiders giving me my first victory points.
Still would have been nice to take advantage of the tank bustas, so in there memory here is the marker identifying the crater containing there remains. No doubt the dummy firework rounds the were carrying went off in the process making an awesome display.
Turn 4 - Dave
Dave continues to gun down trukks and boyz to try to take VPs from me.
He wisely continued to move his vehicles in an armored column away from my now on foot boyz.
A well placed night spinner shot did a few wounds on the mobz on the left flank and forced my boyz to make dangerous terrain rolls next turn!
I roll the dice for random game length and the game shall continue!
Turn 5 - Alex
My last good chance to take victory points was a lone rokkit shot at a wave serpent and some big shoota fire to try to take out the vypers.
I shimmy my remaining vehicles and men to take some pot shots as best I can but to no avail.
I shimmy my remaining vehicles and men to take some pot shots as best I can but to no avail.
I chose to leave my last boyz on the left flank in the crater barely within weapons range. I felt it wiser then risking losing them due to dangerous terrain from the night spinner and giving Dave free points.
Turn 5 - Dave
Dave continued to slide his 'wall of wraithbone' out of the majority of my weapons range. Cleverly positioning his vulnerable vypers inside his hulls to give them cover. A few more scatter laser shots rained down on the last of my Orks not in cover and took out the last trukk on my right flank. Dave rolls a 'Kareen!' result sending the trukks contents almost to my own table edge and way out of position.
Turn 6 - Alex
At the start of the turn my riggers finally manage to reattach the rotors of my Huey with Duct Tape and not a moment too soon. My Huey moved to get one last volley of shots on the Vypers but to no avail. The last Ork on my right flank fired his big shoota at the vypers from within the cover of his wrecked trukk with similar results.
Turn 6 - Dave
In Dave's last turn he continued to shimmy his forces away from my remaining Orks and gunned down a few remaining Orks. Luckily many of my squads weren't finished off so they weren't worth as many points to him. But the damage to my forces was quite extensive there was no doubt Dave had won.
Dave rolled for random game length and the game ended on turn 6.
Post Game
Despite some serious problems with crappy ammo and bad dice (I blame the curse of the unpainted figs!) I was actually quite happy with my performance.
In hindsight I could have deployed closer and more aggressively (given that I had the first turn) The turtle formation was not required and even if Dave had managed to steal the initiative he couldn't take the chance of deploying aggressively so deploying my boyz in a more aggressive posture would have helped.
My Attempt to trap him in a corner seemed to be the best way to go. If I had managed to pop a serpent or two Dave would have been in a position to either sit still to protect his troops and get trapped in the corner or escape and leave his troops in the open.
If he sat still I could have rained fire down on him, if he tried to escape I could give chase or ignore him and mop up the vulnerable troops for points. It was a solid plan but bad luck did me in. You can claim I didn't have enough anti-tank Guns but when you fire 20 odd shots in a game, many of them twin-linked and hit twice it really doesn't matter how many gunz you have ;)
By turn 3 I could have given up but I chose not to and I'm glad I didn't. I had fun despite the dice and calculating the points afterwards we realized it was alot closer than we thought.
The trouble with Dave shooting my orks is that each of my squads and tanks are only worth 30-80 points each vs 130-150 for each of his tanks. I didn't actually need to deal that much damage to him to catch up. Killing one of his tanks might had made it a draw, killing 2 might have been a win. With that kind of situation you'd be a fool to give up turn 3 because you still have a good chance to turn it around!
Dave and I discussed his armylist. He had doubts about the one shuriken cannon turret he had, and was debating dropping a single fire dragon to upgrade it to a scatter laser for the extra range. I agreed with him, that lone shuriken was rarely in range. Whereas a single fire dragon would help in one turn and then likely die (being a glass cannon unit) the turret would be useful all game. And really when you have 8 meltaguns in a squad a ninth won't make much of a difference!
Dave and I discussed his armylist. He had doubts about the one shuriken cannon turret he had, and was debating dropping a single fire dragon to upgrade it to a scatter laser for the extra range. I agreed with him, that lone shuriken was rarely in range. Whereas a single fire dragon would help in one turn and then likely die (being a glass cannon unit) the turret would be useful all game. And really when you have 8 meltaguns in a squad a ninth won't make much of a difference!
I also talked with Dave about the army choice. We both agreed that the army in general was solid but the only flaw seemed to be my chinork acting as a halftrakk. It had plenty of firepower but was too slow, being forced to sit still to shoot its gunz. After discussing the options I think I will take out the grotz, and use the extra points I have floating and upgrade the halftrakk to a battlewagon. At least then if it sits still or double times forward it will have the 14 armor to keep it in the game. It will also free up a troop slot and possibly a heavy support if I make the battlewagon a dedicated transport for the meganobz which will help my composition score at Astro.
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